What currency has Switzerland?

What currency has Switzerland?


Please note that Switzerland remains with the Swiss franc, usually indicated as CHF. While Switzerland is not part of the European Union and thus is not obliged to convert to the Euro, many prices are nonetheless indicated in euros so that visitors may compare prices.

Merchants may accept euros but are not obliged to do so. Change given back to the client will most likely be in Swiss francs.

Currency exchange and credit cards

1 CHF = 14.249,1 IDR (08.04.2018).

For an actual exchange rate, please see the following link: https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/

You can exchange money in banks, train stations, hotels and airports. Exchange machines and offices are accessible 7 days a week in the train stations. Most ATMs at Swiss banks are equipped with the MAESTRO system.

At airports and at train stations there are currency exchange offices, travel and Eurocheques. Open from 06.00 to 21.00, often until 23.00.

The best exchange rate for banknotes or traveler checks in foreign currency can be obtained from Swiss banks. Most exchange offices or hotels charge a fee.